Headache is a subjective symptom that can appear in many acute and chronic diseases . Headache here is the main symptom in many diseases in and exogenous . Headache can occur in many infectious diseases with fever in western medicine such as hypertension , intracranial disease , psychoneurosis , and other migrants .
pointFengchi ( GB 20 )
ocationFengchi GB 20 is located at the nape of the neck , below the occipital bone , parallel to Fengfu ( DU 16 ) , the indentation between the upper end limit of sternocleidomastoid muscle and trapezius muscle ( see figure 1 ) .
- Acupressure . Position the patient sitting , use your thumb and middle finger to manipulate Fengchi ( GB 20 ) on both sides with an emphasis or massage that is slowly starting to increasingly enhanced strength or pemijatannya emphasis . Performed for 10-15 minutes , repeat every day for 7 days .
- Electroacupuncture . Position the patient sitting , use 2 needle 1.5 cun , input each needle at two points Fengchi ( GB 20 ) with the direction of the needle toward the back of the ear with a needle depth of 1.2 to 1.3 cun . Manipulation of each needle until the patient felt a sensation of Qi . Use the wave frequency electroacupuncture using continuously for 20-30 minutes . The program consists of 10 treatments .
- Injections acupuncture . Position patient seated , using a 5 ml syringe containing 2 ml of vitamin B1 , which contains 2 ml of 0.5% lidocaine and 1 ml of vitamin B12 , which is injected at each Fengchi ( GB 20 ) , directed towards the back of the ear and input 2.5cm deep . After you reach this depth , pull the handle of the spray to ensure no blood comes out , then push the fluid when pulling the needle . Usually one injection on each side is enough . If you do not get good results , it can be repeated after 2-3 days later .
- No. methods . 1 : has handled 56 cases of headache that felt for one to five years . 43 cases of functional headache , 10 cases of headache due to hypertension and 3 cases of headache due to menstrual pain . 36 cases completely cured , 19 cases improved , and one case of no effect . All cases require no more than two courses of treatment .
- No. methods . 2 : to treat 260 cases of sinusitis and headaches due to drug consumption . 258 cases completely cured , 2 cases showed no progression after a treatment program
- No. methods . 3 : can treat 50 cases of chronic severe headaches due to head injury , trigeminal neuralgia , wounds that rapidly takes on intracranial . 28 cases completely cured , 14 cases improved , and one case of no effect . All of these cases require up to 4 treatment sessions .
- Lai xx , female student , 9 years old , suffered severe headaches for 6 months , clinical examination and brain CT normal scans . Headache began to recover in the first session of therapy and disappeared after therapy sessions to 5 .
- Ye xx , female , 56 years old , office worker , suffered severe headaches in the temporal ( temporary ) for 10 years , followed by a cold and tense . After undergoing three sessions of acupuncture , the pain disappeared .
- Tan xx , male , 41 years old , teacher , traffic accident 6 months previously injured in the head . He was unconscious for 5 days after the accident . He suffered severe headaches accompanied by nausea and vomiting at first . Head pain still felt after that . These patients were injected for 3 times each hose one day , after 3 treatments the pain is completely gone
- Three methods were used for headaches different . Acupressure suitable for mild cases , electro - acupuncture for headache severe enough , and acupuncture injection for severe headaches .
- Fengchi acupuncture points ( GB 20 ) is very rich in nerves , located near the important muscles of the neck , the head and the nerves and blood vessels intracranial important . All methods used increases the flow of qi and blood around titk Fengchi ( GB 20 ) , so as to relieve headaches .
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